Sunday, August 22, 2010

I Write, Therefore I'm a Writer

Ever since the Rhythm of Life Design class, I've been addicted to the internet again.  I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is check my email, to see if one of my new friends has sent me something inspirational.  Friday morning I woke up and the first thing I did was read this blog post.

Spiritual Evolution of the Bean: Acceptance: I am what I am.

I write, therefore I am a writer.  There, I've said it.  And I'm feeling more and more like one everyday.  As I have experiences now, I try to figure out how I will convert my thoughts and feelings about them to the page, and I can't wait to get them there.  I realize this probably isn't a good thing, because it's not helping me live in the moment, which is something I know I need to work on.   As I go about my day I find myself thinking, "how can I convert these thoughts and experiences into words, how do I get these thoughts onto the paper."  I desperately want to convey them as powerfully as they appear in my head, but I normally feel like something has been lost in the translation.  I will admit it's getting easier, and I am getting better at it.

It's a long, slow evolution, but I'm in it for the long haul.  I guess you could call it Spiritual Evolution of the Pilot, instead of the Bean.  I write, therefore I am a writer.  Thanks for the words of wisdom and inspiration Stephanie.


  1. "thinking about how to transform my thoughts to the page...." I do the SAME THING. And yes, it can definitely pull you out of the moment if all you can think of is how to write about it. I've come to a few conclusions. If you believe your writing about it will somehow help you to internalize what you've experienced and/or help someone else, then write about it. Keep a small notebook with you and just write down keep words, phrases... You don't have to blog about them "right now" because sometimes it takes time to really learn the lesson.

    Now if you are trying to be in the moment and all you can think about is the writing, hmm.... Stephen King says to be a writer you should spend 4-6 hours a day reading or writing. But I don't think that should be at the expense of the thing you are doing.

    Or maybe I don't know what I'm talking about.
