A friend of mine has a New Year's tradition. Instead of making a resolution, he chooses one word to represent his intention for the coming year. One word. The idea immediately resonated with me. It sounded easy, until I actually sat down to attempt it. So many areas need attention, how could I narrow it down to just one?
Focus definitely applied. So did organization. And peace, relax, forgive, etc etc. I finally chose the word that kept popping up continually in my reiki sessions and meditation. The word that I have struggled with all year, and probably for a lifetime. The word that eludes me, causing me to miss the little things in life because I am so focused on the big things. The word is present.
Present, not as in a gift, but present to this very moment. The most challenging word I could pick to focus on, and the one with the greatest rate of return if I can manage it (No, when I manage it.) The mind cannot be in two places at once, and I am missing considerable information in the present by allowing my mind to travel to a future date. By focusing on the present, I am giving myself the gift of valuable insight for a future event.
Staying present may be one of the hardest New Year's resolutions I have ever attempted. Daily exercise or giving up chocolate seem easy compared to this. It will take practice, but I know I can do it. This is what I need, and I am listening. May your New Year be filled with love, peace, prosperity, and a word just challenging enough to help you grow.